Thank God for Spotify Premium

The Miller’s are still on a family cell plan and one of us has a data usage problem (you all know its me). For a long time, I blamed my other vice, traveling, and the lack of storage I had on my cell phone, but to be honest it was a 16GB phone (like what can you even store on that)? To save space I had to remove most of my music and was forced to listen to the radio. When I got a new car, and the ability to play music directly from my phone (I finally entered the 21st century!), my data usage spiked even further. I had been lamenting about my first world problems and a friend mentioned that she was a fan of Spotify premium and whenever her $9.99 was deducted each month, she never was mad about it. I love the ability to make my own playlists, check out new artists without making a financial commitment, and how I can follow friends to see which artists and songs they are listening to (keeps me hip). Don’t get me wrong, free is great- but I can skip songs I don’t like, its commercial free (praise!), and I can download playlists directly to my phone and listen sans data. Now that T-Swift has added her music to Spotify and making her playlists public- what are you waiting for? For me, it is the easiest $10 to part with each month.

I will leave you all with some of my favorite playlists:

  • “Songs Taylor Loves”- Here

  • “Yoga Girls Monthly Playlist of the Month”- Here

  • My Top Songs of 2017- Here

  • My Worship Playlist- Here

  • My “Cozy” Playlist- Perfect for a winter day or anytime you want to feel like you are wrapped in a warm blanket- Here

  • My “New Music” Playlist- songs that I have come across that I don’t know if I want to commit to or not yet- Here

  • *Feel free to follow me- Here

Who are your favorite artists that I should add to my New Music playlist? What are your favorite playlists on Spotify? Let me know and Thank God for Spotify Premium!




Thank God for Girlfriend Collective